Mm Mangrove mucks

soil map units where Mm Mangrove mucks is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution Tuvalu
Landscape position Riparian fringes of the enclosed lagoons
Soil parent material Coralline sand
Slope Flat (0-3°)
Surface outcrops No surface outcrops
Brief soil profile description Typically fine grained mud with organics disseminated throughout, over a coral rubble or hard pan of reef rock conglomaterate. Fibrous mangrove peats do occur, but are rare.
Soil profile texture -
Minimum effective rooting depth n/a
Soil pH (acidity) -
Salinity High
Soil fertility under natural conditions Not analysed
Soil moisture regime Peraquic
Susceptibility to drought Tidal - no susceptible to drought
Soil drainage Poorly drained
Susceptibility to waterlogging Water tables is close to the surface and tidally influenced
Susceptibility to flooding Regularly affected by tidal inundation by sea water

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